Clinical Research OpportunitiesPLIDA is requesting Clinical Research Opportunities from our members!
PLIDA (Pregnancy Loss and Infant Death Alliance) is dedicated to evidence-based practice in perinatal bereavement care. To that end, we are offering an opportunity for researchers to use the PLIDA social media platforms, website, and member emails to post information on your research project and needs. Do you need participants for your study? A perinatal bereavement expert on your committee? Assistance with methodology? PLIDA members, who represent many disciplines, access to bereaved families, and some of whom could serve on a dissertation or master's thesis committee may be able to help.
If this is of interest to you, please send your information to [email protected]. Assuming a positive outcome for our vetting process, we will post your information on numerous platforms to give access to those who would like to assist.
Assessing non-genetic providers’ perceived value of genetic testing in cases of perinatal loss
We are seeking non-genetic providers who work with pregnant persons to participate in a research study exploring perceived value of genetic testing in cases of miscarriage, stillbirth, and life-limiting multiple congenital anomalies. This survey will take 5-10 minutes and is anonymous.
If you are a genetics provider, please forward the request to your non-genetics colleagues (e.g. certified midwives, doulas, social workers, mental healthcare providers, MFM, OBGYN, neonatologists, registered nurses, NPs, etc.).
Please contact Hannah Than Win, UW-Madison, with questions [email protected].
The HOPEful Study for Parents with Extraordinary Pregnancies The HOPEful Study for parents with extraordinary pregnancies is an intervention study for parents who have learned that their baby has a life-limiting fetal condition. For more information, please reach out to Denise Cote-Arsenault, (315) 439-2436 or [email protected].
Participants needed for counseling research study!Click here for more information.Download the Exempt Approval Letter here. ![]() ALOE StudyHave you experienced pregnancy loss?Seeking couples for an online study of sexual well-being after a recent pregnancy loss.What will I be asked to do?Couples will complete a screening call to learn about the study and determine eligibility. If eligible, participation will involve each partner completing one confidential online survey asking about your experience of pregnancy loss, as well as your sexual, relationship, and psychological experiences. The survey will take between 40 to 55 minutes to complete, and you will be compensated with $20 CAD (or USD equivalency) after completing the survey. Who can participate?Couples may be eligible if they –
*Other criteria may apply **This study is inclusive to individuals of all bodies, gender identities, and sexual orientations What is the study about?Our team hopes to gain a better understanding of how pregnancy loss affects couples’ sexuality and relationships. For many couples, it can be a difficult period of adjustment after a pregnancy loss. We hope that you will consider participating in this study to increase our understanding of how best to support couples during this time. Contact us at [email protected] to learn more or to participate.![]() Male Volunteers Needed for a Study About Grief After MiscarriageBegin the study here: |